Assassin's Creed Freerunners

Assassin’s Creed Freerunners is a platform game where you will race against 7 other competitors.

Select your assassin and run for the finish line. The course has many obstacles so be prepared to climb walls, jump into rooftops and swing on a rope between balconies. Speed and agility are crucial for you to reach the extraction point first!

At the end of each level, a leap of faith awaits. Collect coins to acquire more legendary characters with stronger features. So don’t waste any more time and RUN!



Spacebar: Jump

Double click Spacebar: Double jump


Right button / Left button: Jump

Double Click Right / Left button: Double Jump


Game developer:

Assassin's Creed Freerunners was developed by Ubisoft.

Also from Ubisoft: Hungry Shark Arena, Might & Magic Armies, Tom Clancy's Shootout

Last updated: Aug 31, 2024

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