Building Games

Get creative crafting new worlds and objects or set up entire cities and empires! Explore our collection of online building games and have fun!

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Online building games are like virtual playgrounds where players can give free rein to their creativity or entrepreneurial skills. This game genre is wide enough to accommodate both types of challenges.

On the one hand, we have games where creativity and imagination play the central role. Minecraft games are good examples of these, with their open sandbox structure. But they are not, by far, the only ones. There are also puzzle games where the players need to build things or decipher how things are built. This is the case of games like The Mergest Kingdom or Tower Building

On the other hand, there are games in which “building” takes up a more grandiose meaning. These are often designed to challenge the players' strategic, entrepreneurial, and managerial skills. Tycoon games like Building Rush or Real Estate Tycoon fall into this category, for example. In these, the building is not about crafting something but about being smart and constructing a city or a civilization. You start with an empty plot of land and the sky (or financial resources) is the limit!

However, within these entrepreneurial games, there is also a unique subgenre: the surviving game. These include .io games for example, in which you need to enter a fighting arena and you can only count on what you can build or purchase to save yourself, or games like Raft Life where you start from scratch and can only progress by being crafty and smart selling your creations.

As you can see, online building games are a wide category that encompasses many different types of games and challenges. This collection reflects this variety, so make sure to explore it well and have fun while doing it!


What are the best building games on Reludi?

  1. Build Royale
  3. The Mergest Kingdom
  4. Building Rush
  5. Building Rush 2
  6. City Builder

Which are the most recent building games on Reludi?

  1. City Builder
  2. End of War
  3. Building Rush 2

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